Welcome to the website of the International conference on
Scenarios and Models of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Support of Decision Making
The conference is organised by the "Biodiversity and Ecosystem Scenarios Network (ScenNet)", funded by the Belmont Forum, and supported by the FRB and bioDISCOVERY, a core project of Future Earth.
The conference covers scenarios and modelling applications in marine, freshwater and terrestrial systems, across all relevant disciplines of natural and social sciences. The conference is open to scientists and experts working in the field, policy makers and practioners, and focuses on:
- Exploring recent advances in modelling human impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Addressing the use of scenarios and models for decision support
- Mobilising observations of biodiversity and ecosystem services for model development and testing
- Capacity building for developing scenarios and models and for their use in decision making
- Horizon scanning and addressing gaps in knowledge.
For a detailed list of conference topics, visit Topics.
Book of Abstracts available as pdf: click here.
Latest version of the Conference Programme available as pdf: click here.
List of participants available as pdf: click here.
IPBES Methodological Assessment of Scenarios and Models of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Launch of the Summary for Policy Makers
The print and electronic version of the Summary for Policy Makers of the IPBES methodological assessment of scenarios and models of biodiversity and ecosystem services was launched on Thursday, 25 August at the conference. The launch took place in the presence of the two co-chairs of the assessment, Simon Ferrier and K.N. Ninan, the head of the Technical Support Unit for the assessment, Rob Alkemade, the IPBES MEP member responsible for oversight, Paul Leadley, and several authors of the assessment.